Full Service


Month of



You are Timeless...  Your wedding or event should be nothing less!

You have dreamed of this celebration all of your life...Our"Discovery" meeting  is to develop a working relationship and for you to communicate your celebration inspiration. Although "Themes and Goals" may vary, the core elements of your celebration stay the same. We offer top-level Event Service Professionals for your review and selection. Once hired, TLC will review and manage your vendors plus review all contracts based on selected products and services


Your "Story" begins here... Invitation design and printing coordination includes menus, seating and escort cards, thank you notes, table numbers plus any specialty signage necessary for your event. Timeless will help you create your event "Voice" and keep it strong and consistent throughout. Creative event style is our passion so together we will design your Custom Event Decor Storyboard to suit your exclusive tastes.


Let's "Build" your party... Let's get "Seated"...
 The Timeless team offers advice with guest seating and organization. Let's "Eat"... Food is one of our passions, with over 28 years of catering experience. That's "Entertainment" features live music or disc jockey, special activities, guest games, dancers, etc. Every "Picture" tells your story... We offer Photography and Videography suggestions and coordination including full shot list templates. Lastly we design, prepare and coordinate "Party Favors and Gift" amenities at all event locations.

It's all in the details...


Here's the best part... Be a guest at your event... Laugh, dance, celebrate & enjoy your guests... TLC means exactly that.

Always remember... Life is a party... Celebrate!


Call Peggy Kelley Today


For your

FREE Consultation.